
Success Stories

Professional Player
Janet Atwell
Janet Atwell is currently ranked as the 9th woman player in the world. She has won professional events and numerous tournaments throughout the United States.

Top Junior Player
Sam "Ryne" Henderson
Sam Henderson is the top junior player in the country and has won several men's master level events throughout the United States.

National Champion
H.T. Geerman
H.T. Geerman recently won the 2022 Aruba National Championship. He travels throughout the world playing the game he loves.

APA Champion
Chris Merritt
Chris has won several APA events after enrolling in my in-person class. He said the class took him to the next level and he is looking forward to future wins.

Texas State Champion
Casey McCoy
Casey is a long time student who has competed nationally for years. In 2015, shortly after enrolling at Virtual Billiard Academy, he won the State UPA 8-ball Championship in Texas.

State Champion
Renee Matthews
Renee Matthews just recently won the North Carolina State 9-Ball Championship. She also finished 2nd in the State 8-Ball Championship. We are expecting big things from her in the near future.

Northern Nevada APA Champion
Jeffery Valentine
Jeffery just won the Northern Nevada APA Championship and is headed to Las Vegas!

Memphis Open Champion
Zack Sanderson
Zack Sanderson won a Regional APA Championship and shortly after that he won the Memphis Open. He defeated top ranked pro Johnny Archer in the finals.

Great Southern Billiards Tour Champion
Amanda Huff
Amanda is the only woman in recent years who has won a Great Southern Billiards Tour Title. She defeated all of the men and only got one game on the wire. Well done Amanda!

Regional APA Champion
Christopher Pyle
Christopher Pyle won an APA Regional Championship shortly after enrolling in my online class. He also recently competed in the U.S. Open.

Regional APA Champion
Duane Richard
Duane Richard won an APA Regional Championship shortly after enrolling in my online class.

National Champion
Brooke Caperton
Brooke competes throughout the United States and won a BCAPL Team National Championship in 2015!

National Champion
Isela Arras
Shortly after enrolling at Virtual Billiard Academy, Isela Arras won a state women's championship with the Bluegrass BCAPL and she also won a Women's Team National Championship.

Atlantic Cup Members
Hannah Hohn
Shortly after enrolling at Virtual Billiard Academy, Hannah Hohn won several state and regional events and she was also invited to be on the Atlantic Cup team for Team America.

Regional APA Champion
Derick Davison
Derick Davison won an APA Regional Championship shortly after enrolling in my online class.

APA Regional Champion
James Perkins
James Perkins won an APA Regional Championship shortly after enrolling in my online class.

2nd Place State Championship
Monica Hodnefield
Monica Hodnefield and her team finished 2nd Place at the North Dakota Sate Championship.

APA Champion
Chris Lee
Chris Lee won an APA State Championship shortly after enrolling in my in-person class.